Tuesday 20 September 2011

The great earthquake and its future fallout

According to several elderly persons the terrifying earthquake of Monday the 18th September  2011 was the not felt during the last fifty years. According my father in law and an eminent scholar Shri K.N.Ojha the natural calamity was reminiscent of the earthquake of 1934 which had ripped through especially Bihar. The quake was felt from the north east right upto Delhi. Though its devastation was limited to the northeast, West Bengal and Sikkim,  its future fallout is a warning to most of the Indians. As per the studies of the Seismologists North India falls in the highly sensitive zone. The plate of the Indian mainland is constantly colliding with that of the plate of Eurasia and thus both India and China including Tibet remain under severe threat from such outbursts of the Mother Earth. I call her the Mother Earth because we human beings do not consider the Earth as a living being and we are constantly exploiting her to satisfy our greed and ambition only to make the Earth  more unsafe place to live. This earthquake is a mere warning to the homo sapiens of this only living planet to put check on the endless mining and quarrying as well as deforestation,  otherwise the worse is waiting for us. It is amply clear to an average citizens of this planet that the natural calamity is mostly manmade and we must do earnestly to avoid these kinds of happenings in the future. Let us stop eying the earth as an endless treasure house and try to conserve it as we take care of our old parents when they grow old. One should not conclude that we should not go for industrial development but one thing is  equally true that mere economic  well being is not going to make our life safe and secure. Today, human lives needs more social peace, security and well being than ever before. This can be achieved by synthesizing the modern science with our traditional living and thinking which also has  potential for the future human growth. The only path is that  we should go for all out introspection and keep the history in our mind. Examples are abundant when  we have discarded the history and our past mistake. Thus  we have undergone huge loss of life and property. I shudder to think of the thoughtlessness of our so called modern builders who are planning to exploit the soil of Moon and other planets. We must remember these planets including our earth are not mere planets and heavenly bodies but they are the very source of life on earth. Thinking about their exploitation as something lifeless is fraught with danger for the future. 

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